Insights in TISAX®

A Detailed Breakdown of How to Implement VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1

The digital landscape is fraught with peril as cyberattacks reach unprecedented levels of sophistication...

Christopher Eller

Oct 3, 2022

The digital landscape is fraught with peril as cyberattacks reach unprecedented levels of sophistication. 

CrowdStrike’s 2023 Global Threat Report found that in 2022, exploitation increased by 95% over the prior year. Even more worrying is the fact that, according to IBM, the automotive industry bore the brunt of this menace, ranking as the second most targeted sector by malicious actors.

Enter the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1—a protective shield and guiding light for businesses in the automotive industry. In this ISMS Connect guide, we explore the nuances of VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1, providing profound insights, practical applications, and expert advice to aid security and compliance professionals in harnessing its potential. 

Let's begin.

What Is VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1

The VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 is an industry standard for information security assessments developed by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). It provides approved requirements for information security and a framework for assessing security levels. The catalog is available in German and English. 

TISAX® is a globally recognized certification standard established by VDA. It rigorously assesses an organization's IT infrastructure, processes, and systems to ensure they meet high security standards. TISAX® is based on the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1. In TISAX® 5.1, the “Third-party connection” module has been integrated into the “Information Security” module. 

This module refers to situations where a TISAX® user has a site at a partner's premises and can access their systems through direct network connections. 

Currently, there are three modules: 

  • Information Security

  • Data Protection

  • Prototype Protection.

For more information on this topic and to get ready for certification by yourself, you can visit ISMS Connect. We break down the often complex topic of information security management for SMBs and help you get certified without high costs or consultants. We maintain a Community where customers can directly access templates, guides, and help from our consultants.

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Why Is VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 Important?

Helps in TISAX® Compliance

The VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 serves as the current basis for all new TISAX® (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) assessments. TISAX® is a standard for information security assessments in the automotive industry, and compliance with this standard is typically a requirement for doing business within the industry. By aligning with the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1, companies can ensure they meet the requirements of this important standard.


The VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 has been fundamentally revised and optimized in terms of content compared to its previous version. This includes a restructuring of the “Information Security” module according to subject areas and additional requirements for prototype protection. These changes enhance the security measures that companies need to implement, thereby improving their overall security posture.

Improves Overall Information Security Posture

The catalog contains industry-wide approved requirements for information security and serves as the basis for assessments to determine the level of information security. By following the guidelines and recommendations in the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1, companies can improve their overall information security posture, protecting their data and systems from potential threats.


While there might be costs associated with implementing the changes required by the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1, these are likely to be offset by the benefits of improved security. A strong information security posture can help prevent data breaches, which are often far more costly to deal with than the initial investment in security.

Promotes Interoperability

Ensuring an equivalent level of information security is crucial when digitalizing business processes that span across different companies. To achieve this, the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 plays a vital role in promoting interoperability. By adhering to this catalog, all companies within the automotive industry's value chain can establish robust information security measures.


The VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 has been designed with future developments in mind. It addresses more current requirements like mobile working and measures when traveling to safety-critical countries. This makes it a future-proof tool that will continue to be relevant as technology and business practices evolve.

How To Implement VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1

1. Understand the Requirements

The initial step is to thoroughly grasp the requirements outlined in the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1. You can easily access this document for free from the VDA's website. It functions as a compendium of industry-wide approved information security requisites, providing the foundation for assessing your organization's information security level. 

Struggling to understand certain elements? Don't worry.

ISMS Connect offers in-depth guides, prefilled document templates, and on-demand expert support to help you find your bearings. Our SMB customers quickly and easily implement the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 standards and earn certification without a background in IT.

2. Analyze Current Systems

The best way to measure your current security level is to analyze your current systems. 

Start by running a gap analysis. Document every associated system, access point, and application to uncover any weaknesses or vulnerabilities. Measure these weaknesses against the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 standards, so you can identify areas for improvement.

For instance, you might identify that your current data storage practices fall short of the required encryption standards or that your incident response procedures need refinement. This analysis will help determine what specific changes are necessary.

3. Identify Key Stakeholders

Identify the key stakeholders within your organization who will play vital roles in implementing these changes. 

This may include:

  • IT staff

  • Security professionals

  • Legal counsel

  • Executive leadership

Not only is this list useful to have during the information-gathering stage, but it also helps you determine who will be responsible for the different elements of the security process. Appointing a range of (well-informed) departmental leaders is key to ensuring that all segments of the organization are involved in the overall effort.

4. Development and Integration

Develop a comprehensive plan for integrating the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 requirements into your existing systems. For example, this could include upgrading your IT infrastructure to meet encryption standards, revising and implementing new policies and procedures, or introducing enhanced security measures like multifactor authentication.

5. Conduct Training

Train your staff to understand the new requirements and how they pertain to their specific roles. Use a mix of training methods, including:

  • Written materials

  • Webinars

  • Live presentations and workshops

Incorporating assessments like quizzes and tests into the training delivery can help ensure that your team has developed a thorough understanding of VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 requirements. You can also run drills and mock exercises to help everyone become comfortable with the new processes through action.

6. Schedule a Pilot Run

Before a full-scale implementation, conduct a pilot run to evaluate the practical effectiveness of the changes. This will help you to identify any changes that need to be made before the implementation goes live. 

During the pilot run, provide your staff with feedback and additional training if needed. When it’s over, debrief all involved and collect feedback about what worked and what didn’t.

7. Evaluate and Adjust

Evaluate the results of your pilot run and make any necessary adjustments based on the feedback and data collected. This could involve fine-tuning your implementation plan, offering additional training or support to staff, or addressing any unforeseen technical difficulties.

8. Fully Implement Changes

Once you are satisfied with the outcomes and feel confident that the changes are effective, proceed with full implementation. This means extending the modifications across your entire organization, ensuring uniform adherence to the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 requirements.


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Strategy Consulting • 20+ Employees • TISAX® • Germany

We aimed for a lean and powerful information security management system to secure but not overwhelm our small consulting business.

Marvin Müller

Information Security Officer at explayn consulting GmbH

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Proudly TISAX® certified

Best Practices for Implementing VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1

Implementing a Structured Approach

VDA® ISA offers a meticulously structured framework for organizations to evaluate their security protocols in alignment with industry performance benchmarks. This comprehensive framework encompasses critical subjects like data protection, risk management, information security, access control, and incident management. 

When applying this framework to your information security practices, consider using a structured approach. Establish clear protocols for assessing and enhancing data protection, consistently review risk management strategies, and systematically manage access control procedures.

Scheduled Audits for Sustained Compliance

Conducting regular audits is pivotal to maintaining VDA® ISA compliance. Since the inception of VDA® ISA Catalog 5.0 on October 1, 2020, it has become the cornerstone for all new TISAX® assessments. 

Regular audits ensure that your organization consistently adheres to the stipulated requirements of the VDA® ISA standard. As an illustration, plan annual audits to evaluate data protection policies and verify compliance with TISAX® assessments.

Efficient Error Resolution

Efficient error handling is a fundamental aspect of integrating the VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1. The latest catalog iteration has undergone comprehensive revisions and content optimizations. 

Ambiguities and spelling errors have been eradicated, and expressions have been clarified for linguistic precision. This streamlines the application of the new TISAX® 5.1 test catalog, benefiting both users and assessors.

Continuous Skill Enhancement

Sustained compliance with the VDA® ISA standard necessitates ongoing education and training. Services like ISMS Connect offer step-by-step guides for VDA® ISA implementation to expedite your journey toward compliance. 

These resources equip automotive companies with an extensive repository of training materials to ensure that your staff remains well-versed in VDA® ISA requirements. Regularly conducting training sessions on evolving VDA® ISA standards will empower your team to adapt to changes and maintain compliance.

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At ISMS Connect, we're dedicated to empowering organizations of any size to easily and affordably adopt information security management. Our mission is to share our knowledge with all members, ensuring that everyone can benefit from streamlined compliance.

TÜV® SÜD Certified

IRCA-Certified Lead Auditor

TÜV® Rheinland certified

Christopher Eller

ISMS Connect's founder, and an InfoSec professional with 13+ years of experience across IT, security, compliance and automotive industries.

Bennet Vogel

Partner & Consultant for information security with 15+ years experience in the financial and IT industry.


For organizations, particularly in the automotive industry, implementing VDA® ISA Catalogue 5.1 is crucial. This guide outlines key steps for a successful implementation, including understanding requirements, analyzing systems, identifying stakeholders, integrating security measures, providing training, aligning with standards, and conducting pilot runs, evaluations, and full implementations.

For SMBs seeking to streamline their information security management and certification process without the need for costly consultants, ISMS Connect is a valuable resource. We provide a community where customers can access templates, guides, and expert assistance, making certification more accessible and cost-effective.

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